School Status
School & Employee Status
Code 1
Schools have a delayed opening of two hours. Ten and eleven-month employees report to work two hours late. Twelve-month employees and Food Service Workers report to work no later than 9:00 a.m. All employees normally beginning their day after 9:00 a.m. are to report to work on time.
*Designated emergency personnel will report to work on time.
This means that on a day that schools have a delayed opening, ten and eleven-month employees are to report to work two hours late, which will coincide with a delayed opening to the school day. Twelve-month employees and Food Service workers are to report no later than 9:00 a.m. If employees are uncomfortable with the condition of the roads for traveling or have other personal reasons not to report to work by 9:00 a.m., they should notify their immediate supervisor to request leave beyond 9:00 a.m.
Twelve-month employees are provided administrative leave to arrive at work no later than 9:00 a.m. Liberal leave is in effect if additional time is needed beyond 9:00 a.m.. Any twelve-month employee who starts their normal workday after 9:00 a.m. will report to work on time.
Designated emergency personnel within the maintenance and operations areas are to report to work on time. If they are uncomfortable with the condition of the roads for traveling or have other personal reasons not to report to work on time, they should notify their immediate supervisor at the beginning of their normal workday.
*Designated emergency personnel will receive 2 1/2 times their normal hourly rate of pay for the period of administrative leave granted to other employees up until 9:00 a.m. (or any other period of administrative leave time granted to other employees).
Code 2
Schools are closed. Ten and eleven-month employees do not report to work. Twelve-month employees report to work no later than 9:00 a.m. Liberal leave is in effect. All employees normally beginning their day after 9:00 a.m. are to report to work on time.
*Designated emergency personnel will report to work on time.
This means that on a day when schools are closed for students due to weather or other circumstances, ten and eleven-month employees do not report to work. Twelve-month employees are provided administrative leave to arrive at work no later than 9:00 a.m. Liberal leave is in effect if additional time is needed beyond 9:00 a.m. Any twelve-month employee who starts their normal workday after 9:00 a.m. will report to work on time.
Designated emergency personnel are to report to work on time. If they are uncomfortable with the condition of the roads for traveling, or have other personal reasons not to report to work on time, they should notify their immediate supervisor at the beginning of their normal workday to request leave.
*Designated emergency personnel will receive 2 1/2 times their normal hourly rate of pay for the period of administrative leave granted to other employees up until 9:00 a.m. (or any other period of administrative leave time granted to other employees).
Code 3
Schools and offices are closed. No employees should report to work. Administrative leave will be provided for twelve-month employees.
*Designated maintenance emergency personnel should contact the Division of Supporting Services at (301) 475-4256, extension 9, for directions as to when to report to work.
This means that on a day that schools are closed for students no employees are to report to work. However, designated maintenance emergency personnel should contact the Division of Supporting Services at (301) 475-4256, extension 9 as to when to report to work. *Designated emergency personnel should report to work as directed when calling in to the Division of Supporting Services or when directed to do so and when they are comfortable doing so with regard to the road and weather conditions.) Operations personnel should follow the departmental protocol and phone tree instructions.
*Designated emergency personnel are twelve-month employees assigned to the maintenance and operations areas who perform duties vital to the continuity to school facilities, safety, or other crucial operations and are required to be at work during emergency situations. However, designated emergency personnel should travel only when they are comfortable with the weather conditions of the roads. Special exceptions will be communicated by the department head depending upon the severity of the weather conditions.
Code 4
Schools are closed. Ten and eleven-month employees do not report to work. Twelve-month employees report to work on time. Liberal leave is in effect. If twelve-month employees are uncomfortable with the condition of the roads for traveling, or have other personal reasons not to report to work on time, they should notify their immediate supervisor at the beginning of their normal workday to request leave.
Pursuant to all three negotiated agreements, the following language is provided. If schools are closed for inclement weather and ten and eleven-month employees are not reporting, then exempt, non-essential, twelve-month employees may choose to telecommute (work from home) on those days in lieu of taking leave by contacting in writing their immediate supervisor no less than 30 minutes prior to the normal work reporting time. Upon completion of the work day, the employee shall submit written confirmation of the hours worked by indicating both the work day start and completion times, and a brief summary of the nature of the work accomplished. A copy of this documentation must be submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor, as appropriate. The employee may be required to present evidence of work accomplished during telecommuting time.
It is the expectation that exempt, non-essential, twelve-month employees will be in the work place when at all possible.
Code 5
Schools have a delayed opening of two hours. Ten and eleven-month employees report to work two hours late. Twelve-month employees and food service workers are to report to work on time. Liberal leave is in effect. If employees are uncomfortable with the condition of the roads for traveling, or have other personal reasons not to report to work on time, they can use liberal leave and should notify their immediate supervisor at the beginning of their normal workday.
If no Code is referenced, schools and offices are under normal operation. All employees are to report to work on time. (This is displayed on the St. Mary's County Public Schools' home page under "Employees: Normal.")
Staff who require an alternative work status should communicate directly with the Department of Human Resources.
Additional Information for Staff:
If schools are closed for students and no Code announcement is made, assume that the school system is open for a full day of business for all twelve-month employees. If an employee determines that the conditions warrant the use of leave, appropriate leave should be submitted as soon as possible after the leave is taken. Regardless of a general closing or delayed opening, certain designated emergency personnel must report to work at their regularly scheduled times. If local conditions are such that designated emergency employees are unable to report to work, the employee should notify the immediate supervisor and upon return to work submit the appropriate leave.
Designated emergency personnel include, but are not limited to:
- All maintenance staff, based on an established reporting team
- All building service staff
- Director of Maintenance
- Director of Operations
- Director and Supervisor of Transportation
- Director of Safety and Security
Staff, families, and local news outlets will be informed before 6:00 a.m. Announcements will address the status of school closings or delays and the applicable code for employees (i.e., “Schools closed for students; Code 2 for employees”). Announcements will be made through the following school system resources:
- School Messenger, including Automated Telephone Notification System and email
- (internet)
- SMCPS Social Media
Local news outlets will also be notified.
In the event of school closing or early dismissal, all after-school and evening activities will be cancelled.
Early Dismissal:
When schools are closed early due to snow or other inclement weather, ten and eleven-month employees will remain on duty until 30 minutes after students and buses have departed. Central and school offices will remain open. Twelve-month personnel, including emergency personnel, will work regular hours unless released by the Superintendent or their designee. Evening building service staff should report to work to prepare the school for the following day. Building administrators are to notify the office of the Assistant Superintendent of Supporting Services, 301-475-4256, x7, should it become necessary to close the building due to extreme or emergency conditions.
Leave Provisions (Liberal Leave)
If conditions warrant that a “liberal leave policy” be announced, twelve-month employees do not need to obtain prior approval when using leave for the appropriate amount of time. Please notify your supervisor immediately if you are unable to report to work and submit the appropriate leave as soon as possible.