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McKinney-Vento Act

Education Assistance for Children and Youth with Unstable Housing (McKinney-Vento)

It is the mission of St. Mary’s County Public Schools to provide support for students and families experiencing homelessness with comprehensive, personalized services to remove barriers to academic and social success. 

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act is Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, a federal law giving important education rights to homeless children and youth. Under McKinney-Vento (and under Maryland regulations), these children must be given equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including preschool education, provided to other children and youth. The law imposes important obligations on local school systems and provides protections, such as the right to remain in the school of origin, transportation to the school of origin, and immediate enrollment of homeless students.

 Contact your school for assistance if you are:

  • Staying in someone else’s home because you lost your home, cannot afford your own home, or had to leave your home.

  • Staying in a hotel or motel.

  • Sleeping in a car, park, campground, or public place.

  • Staying in a trailer or other housing that is very overcrowded or does not have electricity, running water, or other basic services.

  • Staying at an emergency or transitional shelter.

  • Staying in one of the situations above without your parents or guardians.

Learn more by watching the McKinney-Vento Video

NOTE: Each school has a designated point of contact who will assist with enrollment for students experiencing homelessness. Contact information is listed below.

For assistance, contact Kate Weaver, Supervisor of Student Services, McKinney-Vento Act Coordinator, at  301-475-5511, extension 32150. 

McKinney Vento Contact Information by School

- Department of Student Services, 301-475-5511