These are the hosted assets, documents, and links for the SMCPS Student Services pages intended for public use by students, families, and stakeholders.
Update & validate your current contact information. Please complete a separate form for each student.
Document about Universal Screening for Foundational Reading Skills
Application for Alternatives to Four Year Enrollment Form (Concurrent Enrollment, Released Time, and Early Admission to College or Postsecondary School)
SMCPS is proud of its military families!
A document containing trauma tips and warnings.
Printable Document used to report bullying, harrassment, or intimidation in English
Document detailing Distance Learning Tips for Families
This is an excel document about which courses are approved for dual enrollment. Updated 10/25/23
An Early Care Experiences Form to collect information about early care experiences of all newly enrolled Kindergarten students
Document that contains the Early Care Experiences Form
A guide for how to prepare a portfolio for your home schooled student.
Document containing the Maryland Immunization Certification Form
Document about Age Appropriate Vaccination Requirements For Children Enrolled In Child Care Programs
A document about Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
Document containing form for Level of Maturity Waiver for Mandatory Kindergarten
A list of available, local resources for children, youth, and families in St. Mary's County
Document containing instructions for the Naviance College Application Process
A decorative image for Naviance
Document containing Naviance Seniors and Alumni Graduating Login Info
Document containing the Maryland Schools Record of Physical Examination Form (Physical Examination Form)
Escuelas Públicas del Condado de St. Mary Información de Registro (Registration Form in Espanol)
Document containing SMCPS Registration Form
Document containing form for Request to Visit College Campus
A brochure in Spanish about school attendance and why it matters.
A document regarding interim guidance for local school systems, nonpublic schools, and child care programs
This manual provides guidelines for St. Mary's County Public Schools (SMCPS) staff in determining disability eligibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Definitions related to eligibility determination are provided, as are the legal requirements for conducting a Section 504 evaluation.
Document of Disciplinary Procedures For 504 Disabled Students
Document containing St. Mary's County Public Schools Suicide Prevention Plan
A flyer about The Evening Counseling Center (ECC) providing counseling services by appointment to all students and parents of students enrolled in St. Mary’s County Public Schools.
Document containing Student Health Information Form
Document containing Student Record (health/immunization or education information, records, or documents) Release Form
ESCUELAS PÚBLICAS DEL CONDADO DE ST. MARY (Student Record Release Form - Spanish)
Document containing form for Student Transfer Agreement for an Out of District Placement
Document containing Student Transfer Request Form
Nothing Currently Available
A form for changing a students schooling status.
A document about the Compulsory Attendance Law and how that relates to home schooled students.
Form used to notify St. Mary's County Public Schools of intent to home school student(s).
A document listing the home schooling regulations.
A document listing the guidelines for home schooling.
A fact sheet created by Maryland State Department of Education to answer the most requently asked questions about Home Instruction.
A form for blood level testing, required for students in first grade and under.
A form that is a requirement for attending a Maryland public school.
A permission form allowing students to be given Potassium Iodide in the event of a nuclear emergency.
A permission form in Spanish allowing students to be given Potassium Iodide in the event of a nuclear emergency.
A form that allows the school your child attends to be aware of their health information.
A form that helps the school system get federal funding.
Spanish version of the Impact Aid Survey
Directions on completing the SMCPS Emergency Information Form
A brochure explaining what the McKinney-Vento act is and what it means.
A brochure in Spanish explaining what the McKinney-Vento act is and what it means.
A survey to help figure out which students need English language support services.
A survey in Spanish to help figure out which students need English language support services.
Student Registration Form
Spanish version of the Student Registration Form in fillable format
Contains parent information & a parent questionnaire
Evaluación universal de habilidades fundamentales de lectura: cuestionario para padres
Contains parent information & a parent questionnaire in Spanish
A brochure talking about Title IX and what it is all about.