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Community Schools

While all schools provide support to students, community schools work in collaboration with community partners, local governments, and other stakeholders to provide wraparound services that address barriers to learning and success.

Community schools leverage the power of neighborhoods through assets-based approaches that strengthen the connections between home, school, and communities and create change for the people that they serve.

In 2019, Senate Bill 1030 (5-203) defined community schools as “a public school that establishes a set of strategic partnerships between the school and other community resources that promote student achievement, positive learning conditions, and the well-being of students by providing wraparound services.”

Hoodie & Coat Drive

First page of the PDF file: HoodieCoatDriveFlyer

MCCS Essentials for Community School Transformation

First page of the PDF file: MCCSEssentialsImage

Chart showing Essentials for Community School Transformation

What is a Community School?

Integrated Student Supports

A dedicated staff member coordinates support programs to address out-of-school learning barriers for students and families. Mental and physical health services support student success.

Community School OST Photo 1

Expanded and Enriched Learning Time and Opportunities

Enrichment activities emphasize real-world learning and community problem solving. After-school, weekend, and summer programs provide academic instruction and individualized support.

Community School OST Photo 2

Integrated Student Supports

Parents, students, teachers, principals, and community partners build a culture of professional learning, collective trust, and shared responsibility through site-based leadership teams and teacher learning communities.

Contact Information

Teresa Cox
Supervisor of Student Services and Special Programs
23160 Moakley Street, 
Leonardtown, MD 20650
301-475-5511 ext. 32257