Recovery Plan
Throughout Summer 2020, St. Mary’s County Public Schools worked with stakeholders - parents, students, staff, and community members - to develop its recovery plan for the Fall 2020 Safe Return to School. Updates to this plan were provided in ongoing Covid 19 communications, as well as through the February 2021 Addendum, and the August 2021 Reopening Plan, linked below.
The planning process addressed key questions:
- How will we support students’ recovery of learning, including addressing learning gaps and accelerating academic success?
- How will we support students’ social and emotional needs as they transition back to full-time school schedules?
- How will we rethink delivery models for instruction, programs, and student services?
- How will we adapt and institute procedures for a safe return to school?
These reflective questions encourage us to learn from the experiences of the spring closure, with a focus on moving forward in planning for a safe and productive instructional program for our students. The plan is a product of a continued review of data and current health conditions, as well as ongoing stakeholder input. Our work is examined through the lens of equity and excellence and ensures the health and safety of our students and staff.
Reopening Plan Document (August 2023 Update)
Reopening Plan Document (February 2023 Update)
Reopening Plan Document (August 2022 Update)
Reopening Plan Document (January 2022 Update)
Reopening Data (SY2022)
Recovery Plan Document (August 2020)
Addendum to Recovery Plan (February 2021)
ESSER III Grant (July 2021)