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Transition Services


Preparing for the Road Ahead: Life after High School


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Maryland Elevates

Division of Rehabilitation Services

Maryland Department of Disabilities

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 MD Secondary Transition Planning Guide

Transition Services are provided to students with disabilities, age 14 or older, to create opportunities that facilitate a smooth and positive transition from school to adult life. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines Transition Services as a coordinated set of activities that is designed within an outcome-oriented process to promote movement from school to post-school activities.

The IEP team uses a variety of formal and informal assessments to design educational and community experiences based on the student’s needs strengths, preferences, and interests. Activities may include postsecondary education, vocational education, employment training continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, and/or community participation. St. Mary's County Public Schools provides a continuum of services to help students with disabilities transition to their identified outcomes through person-centered planning. Transition planning includes:

  • Helping students identify their interests, preferences and needs;
  • Identifying possible post-school outcomes;
  • Developing a coordinated set of activities to help reach these outcomes;
  • Preparing the student and parents to access adult services; and
  • Linking students and parents with further education and training

For more information about our program please contact:

Melanie Otto
Transition Specialist
(301) 475-5511 ext. 32214