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TIDES: Teaching Independence and Developmental Skills to Early Elementary Students

The TIDES Program encompasses teaching independence and developmental skills to students in the primary grades in an environment with multiple opportunities for repetition and spiraling of foundational early academic skills along with embedded behavioral supports for students in grades K-2. 

Students will have access to a classroom with a smaller teacher to student ratios and opportunities for inclusion in the general education environment with support. The TIDES program supports implementing best practice strategies and interventions through professional development, consultation, and direct services both inside and outside of the general education setting. To the maximum extent, all services to students are delivered in their least restrictive environment according to the needs in the student’s IEP. 

The TIDES classes are staffed by a special education teacher and paraeducators(s). They work in conjunction with the general education staff to deliver the necessary curriculum and supports to students.  

Students are placed in TIDES through the County Individualized Education Program (CIEP) committee process. For a student to be considered for the TIDES program, the school team must complete the Special Education Case Review (SECR) process. This process will guide the team through a comprehensive look at the student’s educational program. The process will be facilitated through the special education supervisor assigned to the TIDES Program. 

For further information regarding the TIDES Program, please contact:

Lisa Dean
Supervisor of Special Education
(301) 475-5511 x32228