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Birth to 5 Programs

Infants and Toddlers Program

The St. Mary’s County Infants and Toddlers Program is a family-centered, community-based program for children with developmental delays or disabilities from birth to age three and their families. The St. Mary’s County Infants and Toddlers Program is an interagency program that is jointly administered by The St. Mary’s County Health Department, The St. Mary’s County Public Schools, and the St. Mary’s County Department of Social Services. Services are provided according to an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), as determined appropriate by the early intervention team.

This program is designed for children birth to age three who are experiencing developmental delays that are at least 25% below their chronological age in the areas of cognitive development, physical development, speech/language, social skills and/or self-help skills. Children may also be eligible if they have a diagnosed physical or mental condition that will most likely result in a developmental delay or who are demonstrating atypical development or behavior that is likely to result in a delay even when the actual 25% delay has not been identified.

Available services include audiology, family training, health services, nursing, nutrition, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, special instruction, speech-language therapy, vision services, and assistive technology.

Contact Information for Infants and Toddlers

Debbie Crosby
Coordinator of Special Education
(301) 475-5511 x32223
FAX (301) 475-2469


Preschool Special Education

The St. Mary's County Public Schools Preschool Special Education Program (PSSE) is a comprehensive program that serves children with disabilities from ages three through the age of 5. Students are identified through the school-based IEP Teams as needing specially designed instruction and possible related services. This program is designed for children who have been identified with an educational disability as defined by IDEA. There is a continuum of services based upon the needs of the child's Individualized Education Program (IEP).

The St. Mary's County Public Schools PSSE Program provides for specially-designed instruction base upon developmentally appropriate outcomes. Classroom instructional outcomes are aligned with the Maryland Model of School Readiness (MMSR) and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Developmental instructional areas include:  Early Academics, Motor, Communication, Social, Adaptive Behavior, and Play.

Referral Process

For students already in St. Mary's County Public Schools: Referrals should be made to the school-based PST Team for review of their progress and to consider the need for an educational evaluation.

For students who are not yet enrolled in St. Mary's County Public Schools: Referrals should be made to St. Mary's County Public Schools Single Point of Entry, at (301) 475- 5511 ext. 32223

Contact Information for Preschool Special Education

Cynthia Kilcoyne
Coordinating Supervisor of Birth to Five Programs
(301) 475-5511 ext. 32218

Debbie Crosby
Coordinator of Special Education
(301) 475-5511 ext. 32223