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Partners for Success Resource Center for Families and Schools

Partners for Success is a partnership between the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the St. Mary's County Public Schools (SMCPS) to provide services designed to inform families and build working relationships among families, schools, and the community. A parent/educator team staffs the center. This team assists families, students and educators by providing support, information and resources on disabilities and community services.

The center provides resources to enable families of children receiving special education services, and the professionals who work with them, to function as equal partners in the educational decision-making process. Robyn Roberts and Melanie Otto SMCPS Transition Specialist, currently staff the Partners for Success Center.

The services the Partners for Success center may provide include: 
Special education resources, Information and referral, Assistance with IEPs, Seminars and workshops, Consultation, Lending library, and Information about local state and parent organizations.

Contact Information:

Robyn Roberts
Partner's for Success 
(240) 309-4113

The Partners for Success maintains an extensive Lending Library for families and staff. 

Partners for Success Lending Library List