Volunteer Sign Up
Volunteer applications are open for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Both new and previously registered volunteers must complete a new volunteer application every school year.
SMCPS believes volunteer service to our schools is an essential component of student success. The support of parents, grandparents, other significant relatives, and community members creates an environment filled with opportunities for our students. Ensuring the success of students is a partnership between the school and home.
We constantly strive and continue to make many opportunities available to our students that encourage them to learn and fully enhance their academic and social development. A wide range of learning experiences, both in and outside of the classroom, provides for many great opportunities and teachable moments. Volunteer service to our schools will continue to support the vast learning experiences we are able to offer. We have recognized the importance and necessity of properly vetting all volunteers who have contact with our students. We want to ensure that all of our expanding learning horizons are, first and foremost, safe and secure for our students and your children. Procedures are in place to ensure an appropriate level of background screening.
Screening for all of our school volunteers and visitors.
All volunteers must review the Child Abuse and Sexual Harassment (C.A.S.H) training and the Volunteer Manual annually.
School principals, at their discretion, may require their volunteers to participate in school-based training.