Fire Drills
In all schools (Grades K-12) that are fully protected by an Automatic Sprinkler System the total number of required Fire Egress (evacuation) Drills will be five (5). Two out of the five fire drills will be conducted in the first four months of the school year. SMCPS schools meeting this criterion include BBES, Central Office, CWFDES, LES, LHS, LMS, JAFCTC, PPES, PHES, GMHS, GWCES, LPES, GHES, GKES, EMS, HES, MBMS, CHS, DES, EES, LMDES, and SRMS.
In all schools (Grades K-12) that are NOT protected by an Automatic Sprinkler System the total number of required Fire Egress (evacuation) drills will be eight (8). Three out of the eight fire drills will be conducted in the first four months of the school year. SMCPS schools meeting this criterion include IT-Bethune, Division of Supporting Services, Elms Environmental Center, Fairlead Academy I & II, Head Start Annex, MES, OES, RES, TCES, and WMES.
In addition to the fire drills, school-based administrators conduct a number of crisis drills such as silent evacuation/bomb threats, and weather related drills. This information can be found in the School Crisis and Emergency Response Plan Manual.