Teacher Certification
Current SMCPS teachers can request an evaluation of their credentials for other endorsement areas by following these directions.
Access Information
Directions on how to view credits submitted to Human Resources
Directions on how to submit your Professional Development Plan (PDP)
Directions on how to access a copy of your Teaching Certificate on Credentials Access Center (CAC)
More Details
SMCPS teachers can send their certification questions to hrdcertification@smcps.org.
Teachers, specialists, and administrators working in Maryland public schools must be eligible for a Maryland Teaching Certificate. Individuals seeking certification in Maryland can submit their application for certification to the Maryland State Department of Education by accessing their certification website.
If you are a current certificated employee of SMCPS, you can check the status of your certification by logging in to the MSDE website.
If you hold a degree with no certification you may contact a college of your choice that offers a program leading towards teacher certification. You must also pass the PRAXIS I and II tests for beginning teachers. For more information on the PRAXIS Series call 609-771-7395 or visit the Educational Testing Service website.
For further information on Maryland certification requirements, please contact the Maryland State Department of Education at (410) 767-0412 or visit the MSDE website.