Healthy Fundraising
Schools play a powerful role in preparing students for a successful future. The updated School Lunch and Breakfast Programs contribute to student learning and the development of lifelong health habits. Schools must continue to strengthen this foundation by providing healthy foods and beverages, while limiting less healthy options throughout the school environment.
In addition to the federal regulations for school food, Maryland publishes and enforces its own nutrition standards for food sold in schools. Any food that is sold from 12:01 am through 30 minutes after the end of the school day must follow these guidelines. This includes fundraisers, snacks, and other items that are sold that will be consumed on site. Please see the link below for more information.
Foods and beverages sold at and by schools and after school programs should reinforce the healthy habits that we all seek to instill in youth, setting them up for lifelong success. Fundraisers and school celebrations can be successful and engage youth, the community, the school building and out-of-school time programs in meaningful ways without undermining healthy eating messages.
Fundraising Ideas
Please see the links below for healthy fundraising and celebration ideas.