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Assistance and Contacts

Name Areas of Responsibility Extension
Kelly Murray Hall
Chief of Equity, Engagement, and Early Access 32136
Martina Green 
Administrative Assistant  32136
Sara Renn
Grants Specialist  32193
Charlottis Woodley

Director of Parent and Family Engagement Equity POC

Kristin Shields Title I Coordinator 32131
Patricia Trehern
Early Childhood IRT and Coach 32161
Wendy Binkley Judy Center Coordinator 301-863-4068 
Aleya Armstead

Judy Center Family Service Specialist

301-863-4085, x20111
Sade Frederick
Judy Center Family Service Specialist 301-863-4076 x44190
Mariah Hermann Judy Center Early Childhood Liaison 301-863-4068, x20191
Jennifer Hollingsworth Judy Center Early Childhood Liaison 301-863-4085, x20190
Anne Kirchner
Judy Center Early Childhood Liaison 301-863-4076 x44191
Iris Mumphrey Judy Center Family Service Specialist 301-863-4068, x21192

Contact Information

Kelly Murray Hall, Ed.D.
Chief of Equity, Engagement, 
and Early Access
23160 Moakley Street, 
Leonardtown, MD 20650
301-475-5511 ext. 32136