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Equity, Engagement, and Early Access

A photo of a teacher helping her students with a science project

The Department of Equity, Engagement, and Early Access has oversight for a variety of federally and state/locally funded programs.  The office supports the following programs, grants, and resources:

  • Chesapeake Public Charter School (CPCS)
  • Educational Equity Citizens Advisory Council
  • Equitable Services for Title I Non-Public Schools
  • Equity Assurance Coordination
  • Full Day Pre-Kindergarten Program
  • Judy Center Early Learning Hubs
  • Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
  • Teacher Academy of Maryland (TAM)
  • Title I, Part A
    • This is a federally funded program for economically disadvantaged children. We serve five elementary schools in the Lexington Park corridor including: George Washington Carver, Green Holly, Greenview Knolls, Lexington Park, and Park Hall Elementary Schools. Please click on the Title I link to learn more.
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2024-2025 Pre-Kindergarten Application

St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) offers full day Pre-Kindergarten 4 to children that reside in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, meet age requirements, and are income eligible.

  • A child must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024.
  • A family must verify their annual income is at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level.  

2024-2025 Pre-Kindergarten Application Apply Now

The Department of Equity, Engagement, and Early Access can also be of service in answering child specific questions regarding the Pre-Kindergarten Program.  For additional help and information, you may complete the helpdesk form, call (301) 475-5511 x32285, or email Bilingual assistance is available.


Contact Information

Kelly Murray Hall, Ed.D.
Chief of Equity, Engagement, 
and Early Access
23160 Moakley Street, 
Leonardtown, MD 20650
301-475-5511 ext. 32136