These are the hosted assets, documents, and links for the SMCPS Curriculum & Instruction pages intended for public use by students, families, and stakeholders.
A form about the make-up visits for the James A. Career and Technology Center Tech expo.
A brochure talking about the benefits of the Virtual Academy.
The Common Core State Standards for ELA classes of all grade levels.
A document listing the Grade 1 Maryland College and Career Readiness Standards.
A sheet full of tips for parents teaching their children how to read.
A guide for parents about what students will be learning in first grade English Language Arts and how they can help.
A guide for parents in Spanish about what students will be learning in first grade English Language Arts and how they can help.
A guide for parents with tips on how to help your child learn while reading.
This is the Early Entrance to Kindergarten Application and Information Profile for SMCPS: school year 2023-2024.
Is my child eligible for Early Entrance Kindergarten? Learn more...
Is my child eligible for Kindergarten? Learn more...
Parents wishing to register their child/children in St. Mary’s County Public Schools need to register at the school which is located in the attendance area where the student resides.
A list of the approved Online Courses for students.
A document about how to apply for an Online Learning Original Credit.
A Student Participation Agreement for SMCPS Online Original Credit Learning.
An overview of the 9th grade courses and materials.
A brochure detailing what the requirements for High school graduation are and what options the students have.
A flyer for all 3 High Schools Rising Freshman Orientation.
A list of school supplies for BBES.
A list of school supplies for CPCS.
A list of school supplies for CWFDES.
A list of school supplies for DES.
A list of school supplies for EES.
A list of school supplies for EMS.
A list of school supplies for GHES.
A list of school supplies for GKES.
A list of school supplies for GWCES.
A list of school supplies for HES.
A list of school supplies for LES.
A list of school supplies for LMDES.
A list of school supplies for LMS.
A list of school supplies for LPES.
A list of school supplies for MBMS.
A list of school supplies for MES.
A list of school supplies for OES.
A list of school supplies for PHES.
A list of school supplies for PPES.
A list of school supplies for RES.
A list of school supplies for SRMS.
A list of school supplies for TCES.
A list of school supplies for WMES.
A flyer for the Seventh Annual Maryland STEM/STEAM Festival