Online Learning
SMCPS eLearning Opportunities
Students are encouraged to present more than the minimum units of credit for graduation. Most students will graduate with more than 26 units of credit. A unit of credit is based on all four marking periods for a year-long course. All credits required for graduation must be taken at an SMCPS high school to fulfill graduation requirements unless otherwise noted in the Program of Studies.
St. Mary's County Public Schools (SMCPS) understands that digital learning is a way to individualize student learning opportunities. Online learning opportunities are available for original credit, credit recovery, quarterly recovery, and unit recovery in blended learning environments. Blended learning environments incorporate both face-to-face and online learning.
Only students enrolled in St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) may participate in SMCPS digital learning courses provided through Edgenuity. SMCPS offers online learning opportunities as alternatives for gaining original credit or recovery credit for classes in which students did not receive credit.
There are unique scenarios where a student may need to request a course for original credit outside of SMCPS. Courses for original must be offered through an approved vendor who meets the requirements established by MSDE. A student can submit a request for a Maryland Virtual Learning opportunity (MVLO approved course. Requests for MVLO courses must be approved prior to a student registering.