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Health & Safety

School Nurse and Child

The health and safety of our students and staff remain a top priority of St. Mary's County Public Schools (SMCPS).

We continue to work collaboratively with the St. Mary's County Health Department (SMCHD) and we follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to protect our school community.


Allergen Exposure - Reduce the Risks

Athletics-Based Health & Safety Info
Resources for coaches, athletes, and families

Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting
Help maintain a safe & secure learning environment

Mental Health Resources
SMCPS Mental Health Resources page

Immunizations & Medical Forms

Staff Mental Health Resources & Wellness
Resources for SMCPS Staff

Student Risk Behavior
Help reduce high-risk youth behaviors

Vector Solutions | Formerly Safe Schools
Vector Alert Incident Reporting System

Preventing the Spread of Infection

If you see something say something

If you see something on social media:

  • Take a screen-shot and show it to an adult
  • Tell a teacher, tell an administrator; tell a school resource officer
  • Report it through our website
  • Do not like, share, or re-post

Don't contribute to the rumors.

REPORT it, don't REPEAT it.

A Phone and a message about Social Media. For more info. check the description on the left