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Fine Arts

The fine arts are an essential component of every child's cognitive and emotional development, provide opportunities for self-expression, encourage innovative thinking and creative problem solving, and are the primary means of expressing one's culture and history.

It is the goal of St. Mary's County Public Schools to provide programs that ensure all students are able to form a foundation that will allow a lifetime of fine arts experiences and growth.

You can follow the Fine Arts Department on Twitter at @SMCPS_FineArts to keep up with all of the wonderful talents of the students of St. Mary's County Public Schools. 

A photo of two girls painting on a canvas

SMCPS Fine Arts Calendar

High School Chorus
Student Artwork on display in hallway
wire sculptures of figures by students
painting of a pumpkin by student
painting of a truck by student
elementary students put on a play
painting of peace by student
student art gallery displays
middle school band
middle school band
students receiving art recognition from board of education
high school band