Defining Commitment
Our Mission Statement
"Know the learner and the learning, expecting excellence in both. Accept no excuses, educating ALL with rigor, relevance, respect, and positive relationships."
SMCPS is 18,000 students working with over 2,000 adults - all committed to learning and growing to become the very best versions of ourselves we can be. We are never satisfied where we are - always striving to be better - mastering a skill, developing a deeper understanding of the forces around us, making a more meaningful impact on others. We are a force committed to action and excellence.
It is the driver of that sentence, the action verb, “committed” that frames our work. So we asked, what are our fundamental commitments? The commitments we make to students, to staff, to our schools, to our stakeholders, and ultimately how are we committed to our own sustainability? Because what we do today, we must be able to do tomorrow, next week, next month, and for the years to follow. Because our students enter as toddlers and leave as young adults - we are responsible for their preparation for adulthood - to succeed and contribute meaningfully to their community.
Our students are our future - and when we fully grasp this, commitment to action and excellence must define our work.
- Our Commitments to our Students
- Our Commitments to our Staff
- Our Commitments to our Schools
- Our Commitment to our Stakeholders
- Our Commitments to Sustainability
Our Commitments to our Students
At the center of all the work of SMCPS are our students. They enter our schools as toddlers and leave as young adults - and we are responsible for their preparation for adulthood - to succeed and contribute meaningfully to their community. Our Students are Our Future - and when we fully grasp this, commitment to action and excellence must define our work. The following are our commitments to our students:
Students have equitable access to rigorous and relevant learning.
At the heart of our instructional program, students are challenged to excel. The learning standards for each content area drive the learning for students, and the instructional process is facilitated by highly effective teachers to make the learning relevant. As students progress through school, they are offered multiple options to pursue aligned with their own personal goals. We believe choice is an important element to ensure that learning is most relevant and meaningful for students.
Vision for 1.1:
Provide differentiated instructional programs for students to pursue aligned with their goals, aspirations, and potential.
Continue to implement Instructional Pathways for students, including:
Fairlead Academy
Academy of Finance
Academy of Global and International Studies
Academy of Visual and Performing Arts
STEM Academy
Expand opportunities for students aimed at future success, such as:
Middle School Intervention and Support Program
Alternative educational program review
Provide avenues and access for students in relevant learning, including rigorous, college and career-ready courses
Promote Dual Enrollment programs for students to access college coursework, including:
Dual Enrollment - CSM Campus
Dual/Concurrent Enrollment - SMCPS courses
Articulated coursework
Promote programs for students, including a variety of programs at the Dr. James A. Career and Technology Center, that prepares students to be college and career ready.
Provide differentiated coursework with online access to programs such as Apex and blended learning
Promote participation in AP coursework
Provide differentiated instructional programming for students
All students have access to a rigorous and relevant curriculum
Individualized education plans assist students in accessing curriculum to meet instructional goals.
Provide professional development to staff on meeting the needs of all learners, including:
Teaching with poverty in mind
Supporting gifted and talented learners
Instructional strategies for English language learners
Instructional strategies for students with special needs
Use of programs such as Pathways to provide access for all learners
Enrollment in academy programs and completion rates
Enrollment in AP and attainment of AP scores of 3 or better
Dual enrollment in college courses and credits earned
JAFCTC program completion and industry certifications earned
UMD, CTE and Dual Program completion rates for graduating classes
Utilization of intervention programs such as APEX
Students are engaged in learning experiences that meet their needs and interests.
Each student is unique, as are their interests and aspirations. Throughout their educational experiences, we provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in ways that best match their learning style, their needs, and interests. These opportunities are designed within and outside the classroom walls.
Vision for 1.2:
Provide students with choice and differentiated pathways, such as the academy pathways and career and technology paths.
Expand opportunities for students to earn credits, including e-learning and dual enrollment options with colleges and universities.
Explore the possibilities of a virtual high school program
Provide sequenced pathways for college and career readiness.
Provide a multitude of extracurricular and co-curricular programs for students
Provide students in grades 6 through grade 12 with access to a career development program where students develop a progressive online portfolio inclusive of activities including interest inventories, skill assessment, career searches, and university program research and selection.
Provide students early opportunities for growth and development.
Expand access and opportunities for high quality early childhood programs prior to kindergarten
Support programs such as Head Start and Pre-Kindergarten for early childhood education
Facilitate access to Child Find services families to support early childhood learning needs
- Integrating instructional technologies to enhance and extend learning
Enrollment in academy and pathway programs
College and career pathway completer rates
Student online portfolio completion rates
Student participation in programs
Enrollment in Pre-Kindergarten and Head Start programs
Expanded programs for early childhood (e.g., moving towards universal pre-K)
Students are safe and supported in their academic, social, and emotional growth.
Schools support the academic, social and emotional safety and well-being of all students. Therefore, learning environments are safe and nurturing. Staff create an environment of respect and rapport to encourage and cultivate respectful interactions in the classroom. In a respectful environment, all students feel valued and safe. Building and maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment is a system-wide commitment.
Vision for 1.3:
Implement system-wide initiatives to engage students and elicit their input in what support and resources they need.
Implement the Superintendent's Student Leadership Advisory Council, involving students across the system
Host monthly meeting with students at each school with their principal to review school data and student concerns / to include attendance, discipline, and climate
Support the Student Member of the Board in being the voice of students
Provide a multi-tiered approach to support students in promoting positive behaviors and actions
Provide for an ongoing review with stakeholders examining best practices for managing and responding to student behavior.
Collaborate with provide mentoring involving school and community partners to support students
Teaching social skills explicitly and actively teaching desired behaviors
Promoting and supporting students through intervention, rehabilitation and proactive, restorative practices
Provide ongoing support for students through school counseling and support services:
Focus on relationships
Feedback to students for growth
Stability of resources and support for students
Support for students in attaining their academic goals
Increased access to mental health services for students and families
Provide support for programs that promote positive relationships and behavior, such as PBIS and restorative justice
Average daily attendance
Student discipline data, including suspensions
Student involvement in advisory groups
Increased access to mental health services for students and families
Student support services, mentoring, peer assistance
- Achievement of students in meeting academic goals (e.g., enrollment in college, etc)
Student learning is aligned to nationally recognized standards.
Instruction is aligned with the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards and students are engaged in a meaningful and rigorous course of study designed to guide them in: demonstrating independence and perseverance; Constructing arguments, to comprehend, critique, and support with evidence; and using resources, strategies, and tools to demonstrate strong content knowledge.
Vision for 1.4
Implement the highest quality instructional program aligned to state and national standards
Implement aligned curricula to the state and national standards (MCCRS, C3, and NGSS) supported by new materials;
Implement walkthroughs and formative assessments.
Develop tools and resources to guide instruction and measure student mastery of instructional standards
Provide ongoing and differentiated professional development for staff to support instruction aligned to standards
Implement an instructional approach to support reading, inclusive of targeted support based on ongoing assessment at Title I schools
Alignment of local curricula and assessments to standards
Provide consistent and timely communication about student progress
Implementation of standards-based report cards
Continue the use of the Home Access Center as an interactive and transparent system for reporting grades and student progress
Provide professional development aligned to standards
Promote professional conversations about progress toward standards
Teacher observation and feedback aligned to standards
Implement ongoing professional development as a component part of the school year calendar
Increased student mastery of standards reflected in local, state, and national assessments
High levels of achievement on state/national assessments
Elimination of achievement gaps
Student learning is measured in a fair, meaningful, and timely way.
Student learning is measured in the level of mastery of content standards. Assessment is part of the instructional process and learning is measured through ongoing, formative reviews of student learning.
Vision for 1.5
Provide explicit feedback to parents and students on progress toward the mastery of standards
Portal for providing teacher review, feedback, and grading related to learning standards to students and parents/guardians (HAC/TAC)
Provide detailed feedback to students/families about progress toward mastery of specific instructional standards
Implement state assessments aligned to the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards
Implement state assessment to measure what students know and can do when entering kindergarten
Implement a comprehensive state directed assessment program to measure student progress and growth
Implement national, standardized assessments as appropriate
Administer assessment used for determining college readiness and placement for the College of Southern Maryland and other colleges
Administer national assessments of student knowledge and proficiency for aligned AP courses
Implement a comprehensive local assessment program
Administer locally developed assessments using both online and traditional media for measuring student mastery of standards aligned to content
Embed performance based assessments that provide for the application of multiple standards in authentic formative instruction
State and national assessments, such as:
SAT, ACT, AP assessments
PARCC/MCAP Assessments
High School Assessments
Local assessments, including:
Pre-, mid-, and post-assessments (as applicable)
Formative assessments
- Performance assessments
Student learning is designed to support students' preparation for a balanced lifestyle.
We recognize that the years in school prepare students beyond the world of academics, and we realize the importance of social and emotional preparation beyond the walls of the classroom. Therefore, education is preparation for decision making, critical thinking, and involvement in activities in a balanced lifestyle.
Vision for 1.6:
Provide ongoing opportunities for student feedback, including:
Supporting active and inclusive student councils
Implementing the Superintendent’s Student Leadership Advisory Council
School visits and “town hall meetings” with students
Provide support student support programs, including:
Student counseling
Peer mentoring
Promoting civility and acceptance
Provide opportunities to think critically and problem solve in real world applications.
Embedded performance-based tasks within the curriculum
Participation in Model UN and similar programs
Offer programs and student activities that are driven by student interest
Expansive extra-curricular activities to engage students in their interests
Student involvement in advisory groups and student council
Student engagement in extracurricular activities
After school programs, intramurals
One lunch
Student safety programs
Bullying prevention
Our Commitments to our Staff
The employees of SMCPS are dedicated to making a difference in children's lives. They support children and in return must be supported by the school system. The following are our commitments to our staff:
Staff have a deep understanding of factors that impact learning
Our commitment to our students begins with our commitment to staff, and professional development is critical. Our instructional program begins with an understanding of what it takes for students to learn. This means recognizing that to educate students academically, we must address the needs of the whole child.
Vision for 2.1:
Support all staff in their ongoing professional development to effectively serve our students.
Continue partnerships with colleges & universities for programs offered locally focused on understanding and educating our diverse student population, including such programs as:
Notre Dame Master’s program for teachers of English Language Learners
Notre Dame Ph.D. in Educational Leadership for Changing Populations
Towson STEM, Middle School Math, Reading Specialist
System-developed and taught PD, Direct Billing
Provide ongoing professional development for support staff to understand learning and adolescent development
Facilitate leadership book studies and professional development in understanding and educating students facing the challenges of living in situations of poverty and economic distress
Staff participating in professional development
Staff earning credit in graduate or advanced coursework
Embedded strategies for supporting students
Staff are highly qualified, effective, and diverse
We want the very best for our students. For each position across the school system, we set high standards to ensure they are the most qualified for the role they play, and we support them in performing effectively in those roles. Furthermore, we recognize the importance of diversity and strive to meet the goal of our staff mirroring the diversity of our student population.
Vision for 2.2:
Ensure that staff meet or exceed the qualifications required for the positions they hold.
Maintain high standards for screening and interviewing candidates for positions
Provide support through mentoring and induction programs
Evaluate staff with a focus on professional growth.
Continue systems of performance assessment utilizing multiple levels of evaluation, support, and intervention in evaluation (TPAS, LPAS, etc.)
Work with associations to develop companion systems of evaluation for support staff classifications
Recruit and retain a diverse workforce to reflect the community we serve.
Recruitment of Highly Effective and Diverse Staff among socio-economic categories
Expand the various modes of recruitment to include in-person, online, virtual, and other means to reach an expansive pool of applicants
Partner with community organizations and educational institutions to expand our recruitment efforts with a focus on diversity, to include:
Partnerships with HBCU & NAACP for Student and Staff College recruitment
Staff hired meet or exceed qualifications criteria
- All staff are evaluated according to evaluation processes
Staff are engaged in an open, trusting, and solution-oriented environment
We are all on the same team. Our work together is bound together with a common purpose, and collaboration is essential as we strive to achieve our goals. To this end, honest communication and focused problem solving are hallmarks of our work.
Vision for 2.3:
Provide opportunities for ongoing communication and collaboration to address issues and solution-focused work
Implement evaluation systems that include individual goal setting, such as the SLO process for professional staff
Provide orientation programs and ongoing induction and support for staff to foster support, including orientation programs for Support Staff, Certificated Staff, and Leadership
Facilitate mentoring partnerships for new employees and staff new to positions across the system
Continue open sessions for sharing concerns and issues to address challenges together with the associations
Implementation of evaluation systems including goal setting
Staff involvement in orientation and support programs
Mentors assigned and supported throughout the year
- Implementation of collaborative sessions for problem solving
Staff actively drive their learning and advancement
Purposeful goal setting is an essential element of professional development. As staff members work toward their personal goals, systems are in place to support them.
Vision for 2.4:
Support all staff members through professional development opportunities aimed at advancing their skills and knowledge aligned to their role
Support teachers in their efforts to achieve National Board Certification through mentoring and financial enhancements
Support innovative and unique opportunities for professional growth
Setting learning goals in evaluation documents
Utilize the goal setting and SLO process as an ongoing, working document to evolve with the needs of students
Support staff members in their ongoing professional development geared toward advancing their skills and knowledge for potential advancements
Institutionalize support through the negotiated agreement for Para to Teacher Step Placement
Provide financial incentives and tuition reimbursement for support staff enrolled in a teacher education program
Continue Professional Development Plan documents for Certification Renewal
Staff earning and maintaining certification
- Staff rated as effective or highly effective
Staff are supported and accountable in meeting expectations for performance
Performance systems are in place to convey the expectations for performance for each employee group. Consistent practices for review and feedback drive professional development and evaluation.
Vision for 2.5:
Implement evaluation systems reflective of expectations of performance, with a focus on support for professional growth
Hold workgroup to redevelop the support staff evaluation tool
Alignment of leadership systems to new state standards
Expand the capabilities of the online evaluation system to promote staff interaction and ownership of artifacts reflective of their practice
Design and development of new support staff evaluation systems
Alignment of evaluation systems to state standards for performance, as appropriate
- Implementation of evaluation systems and accountability to meeting benchmarks of performance
Leadership is grown from within the school system
We believe there is great potential for leadership in our staff. Supporting aspiring leaders through professional development, mentoring, and coaching helps us identify and support future leaders.
Vision for 2.6:
Provide opportunities for professional development to assist staff in meeting personal goals
Continue programs such as the University of Maryland Doctoral Program for School Leaders
Continue to provide professional development to IRTs in their roles as teacher leaders
Continue to support National Board Certification
Expand programs focused on leadership development, such as
Leadership Academy,
Teacher Leadership Programs,
Tomorrow’s Leaders,
Internships for Administrative, Counselors, and Teachers.
Support and promote collaborative professional learning teams and professional learning communities, with a focus on teacher leadership
Continue to support school-based teacher leadership teams, such as PLCs
Provide opportunities for support staff to guide and support their ongoing professional development
Foster partnerships with CSM or Associations for support staff PD
Provide ongoing professional development by Human Resources
PLCs in schools
- Partnership with associations to develop skills for professional growth
Our Commitments to our Schools
Schools that are well maintained, thoughtfully updated, and accommodating to all students and their learning demonstrate our commitment to giving our students the best we can offer - in our classrooms, gymnasiums, theaters, and playing fields. Our commitment to our schools are:
School facilities are well maintained, safe, and welcoming learning environments
Learning is impacted by the environment. Therefore, we ensure that our classrooms and schools are spaces in which students can thrive. Maintaining equipment, technology, and infrastructure is essential, as is ensuring students safety.
Vision for 3.1:
Support the ongoing attention to a proactive approach to maintaining and developing our infrastructure.
Reduce average age of facilities, particularly key infrastructure components, including:
Technology infrastructure
Operational and systemic infrastructure
Reduce reliance on relocatables to meet capacity needs
Fully implement integrated CIP plan commensurate with needs
Provide support for projecting system needs, including staffing
Provide staffing to properly maintain school buildings and systems aligned to national standards
Provide for the safe transportation of students each day
Students transported safely and efficiently
Continue to implement transition plans to replace unreliable or dated equipment, etc…
Implementation of safety/security plans
Continuation and refinement of ADA modifications to support student, staff, and community access
Reduce unplanned work orders by proactively addressing regular equipment maintenance needs
School culture supports the social and emotional safety and well-being of students
Educating the whole child means providing for their physical, emotional, and social safety. A focus on wellness extends beyond the classroom walls and is part of our focus throughout the whole campus.
Vision for 3.2:
Provide a coordinated student services program to support students and their ability to access their learning.
Staff to provide coordinated student services at each school.
School Counselors
School Nurses
Pupil Personnel Workers
School Psychologists
In-School Intervention Center Staff
Implement curricula focused on teaching social and emotional skill development.
School Counseling Program curricula includes, but not limited to, Second Step, Steps to Respect, and Suicide Prevention
Character Education
Life Skills
Implement a multi-tiered system of behavioral interventions to support struggling students.
Provide general supports available at all schools, including behavior plans, individual counseling, small group counseling, and student/parent conferences.
Implement Zones of Regulation, Check and Connect, and Check In Check Out for students with challenging behaviors.
Adopt restorative justice practices, including restorative classrooms, peer mediation, student courts, and peacemaking circles.
Coordinate the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework in selected schools.
Assign coaches to support school teams with implementation of the framework.
Provide professional development to enhance the implementation at each school.
Assess annual implementation of the framework in each school to determine fidelity and future planning.
Provide health services to support student wellness.
Staff school health centers with full-time nurses to provide on-site medical support.
Coordinate student flu clinics, vision screening, and hearing screening.
Offer after school programs to provide individual student enrichment, extended academic supports, and social and emotional skill development.
Provide tutoring to support academic achievement.
Engage students in enrichment activities to support classroom learning.
Offer adult mentoring for students through community volunteers.
Future Leaders of the World
School staff
Provide services through the Evening Counseling Center.
Enrollment/participation in program
Attendance, academic, and behavioral data
Therapeutic pre and post assessment data
School programs support the development of the whole child
We maintain our facilities to promote safe, secure, and welcome learning environments. In addition, we provide resources to support wellness for our students and our staff.
Vision for 3.3:
Provide for student wellness through a nutritious meal program
Provide expanded meal programs for students with healthy options and ensure students have ready access to meals
Maximize use of federal and state reimbursement opportunities by providing attractive food options throughout the school day
Provide nutritious meals for students
Provide expanded breakfast program for students across all grade levels, including accessible, quick, and healthy meals
Provide access to local produce
- Expand year round options for access to meals
School buildings support learning, effectiveness, and efficiency
It is our responsibility to be efficient with our resources - which includes our buildings and facilities. Well-maintained buildings and energy efficiency practices are a reflection of our commitment to sustainability.
Vision for 3.4:
Provide state of the art technology infrastructure for student learning and program efficiency
Expand systems and infrastructure to support seamless instructional opportunities and timely communication
Implement expanded energy efficiency program
Monitor, maintain, and implement environmental hygiene program
Review utility usage data to understand energy use trends and to address possible infrastructure problems that may reduce energy efficiency
Providing current, up-to-date technology to support instructional and program needs
Implement technology plan and maintain viable equipment for student and staff needs.
- Develop and implement plan to improve ongoing communication, including appropriate infrastructure components, as well as “soft” systems for providing information and access
Our Commitment to our Stakeholders
A public school system serves its community and does so by engaging and involving the adults who have a vested interest in the success of our students. Our stakeholders are our parents and guardians, our business leaders, our elected officials, our partners in higher education. The following are our commitments to our stakeholders:
Family and community members are welcomed as supportive partners
Educating our students is our mission, and we cannot do it alone. Parents, guardians, and the community as a whole all play a part in supporting our students.
Vision for 4.1:
Fully employ online communication systems to open avenues for communication and shared collaboration with families and community members
Expand the use of social media to provide a constant stream of communication
Provide learning opportunities for parents, e.g., Title I parent workshops
Offer opportunities for partners, community members, and parents to provide input, ideas, feedback, and support
Provide open forums for feedback through various media
Submission of comments and feedback
Participation in public sessions
Summary of partnership activities
Two-way communication with stakeholders is open, honest, and timely
As we work together in support of our students, open, honest, and timely communication is an imperative. Providing constant communication through a variety of media is important, but it cannot be one-way. Rather, we must have open avenues for getting input and open dialogue with our stakeholders.
Vision for 4.2:
Provide opportunities for open feedback with our partners
Hold ongoing meetings with partners focused on goal-oriented collaboration to meet student needs
Reinforce and recognize partners publicly in support of partnership activities
Summary of partnership activities
- Recognition of partnerships
Partnerships anchor our schools and students to the community we serve
Our schools are a vital part of the community. So too is the community a vital part of our schools. Supportive partnerships help us achieve our educational mission and connect our students and staff to the broader community.
Vision for 4.3:
Document partnership activities that support student and staff activities
Provide reporting mechanism for staff and community to submit artifacts and recognitions of partnership activities
- Documented artifacts of partnership activities
Our Commitments to Sustainability
A school system must live within its means - yet always work for more. We must make wise investment of the resources provided and ensure that what we offer today can be continued into the future. The following are our driving commitments of our investments and their sustainability.
5.1 We invest in instructional resources.
5.2 We invest in programs, experiences, and learning for students.
5.3 We invest in technology to engage, educate, and communicate.
5.4 We invest in our people.
5.5 We invest in technology to enhance efficiency and further productivity.
5.6 We invest in professional development, internal advancement, and growing our own.
5.7 We develop long-range plans for the growing needs of our school system.
5.8 We invest in our schools, classrooms, and work spaces.
5.9 We invest in our system infrastructure
5.10 We invest in communication systems to tell our story.
5.11 We develop and implement a budget that is understandable and transparent.
5.12 We are responsible and accountable to our stakeholders.