SMCPS Policies and Regulations
SMCPS Policies and Regulations
The Policies and Regulations are now located in Board Docs
The policies in this section are adopted by the Board of Education of St. Mary’s County and provide guidance to the members of St. Mary’s County Board of Education as they make decisions. The Superintendent’s regulations that accompany the policies are directly aligned to the policies and provide specific direction to staff in the daily operations of the school system.
In addition to these policies and regulations, the work of St. Mary's County Public Schools is governed by federal and state laws and regulations. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Title 13A. of the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), and the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) 2004 are the most common of these.
If you are searching for guidance in one of the policies and regulations and do not find what you are looking for, please check the appropriate link above for additional information.
In 2007, a three-year project was begun to review the Board of Education Policies and Regulations. As a result of this review, some of the policies and regulations have been consolidated, while others are being deleted if outdated or already outlined in other documents such as those referenced above. To keep the remaining policies and regulations in sequence the lettering of some policies may change from prior versions.
The Policies and Regulations are now located in Board Docs.